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Familiar Housing Project


Architectural Design


April 2012

Academic exercise oriented to enhance the research on a user and deliver as a result a concrete habitable proposal identifying their needs.It was conceived with some previous conditioning approaches to increase the level of difficulty, such as: implantation on a natural sloping terrain, ground movements for implantation of +- one meter, definition of a user of a socioeconomic sector of high comfort to involve a specific work within the architectural program (in this case a professional musician), respecting the guidelines of the Land Management Plan of the city where the proposal would be built. The result is a single-family housing building with three levels and an intersecting module oriented parallel to the street that provides greater visibility to the project in general. This module is proposed elevated on two pillars in a "V" shape, distributing the loads of its weight evenly. The building is accompanied by exterior amenities such as a garage and a courtyard with a swimming pool for the user's recreation.

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